anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

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Video Cartoon of woman laughing in Biblical times Video

St Bart's Kids eBook — Genesis 18.1-15

Check out the latest scripture eBooks from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, which adapt Old and New Testament scriptures for young children, including this one titled, “Sarah laughs at God’s promises”, from the Book of Genesis

Video Smiling baby in a white singlet reaching for the camera Video

Little things

There are more than 11,000 children in Queensland in need of care. For these young people, even the smallest, simplest things can have a big impact. Things like learning to ride a bike, baking a cake and helping them with homework are all big things to them. You just have to be you to change the life of a child in care


Archbishop Jeremy Greaves’ Easter Day 2024 message

“I was recently at one of our schools to talk with Year 6 students about being a leader. Of all the questions asked of me by the Year 6 students, my favourite was: ‘What’s one thing you would tell your 15-year-old self?’…In the mystery of the resurrection that we celebrate at Easter, God tells us again and again: ‘Death does not have the final word…Love endures. Hope wins out’,” says Archbishop Jeremy Greaves


Bishop Cam Venables' Maundy Thursday 2024 poem

“The elements of THAT Thursday include a bowl and towel, and wine and bread, and the knowledge He said, ‘Whenever you do this…remember me’, before His plea to simply love…The appalling injustice of ‘Good Friday’ is not something from long ago, it is happening even now,” says Bishop Cam Venables in his Maundy Thursday poem