“The book has helped me to understand that I am not working for God, but rather that God is working in and through me, and I really need to honour that. It has also helped me prevent burnout by putting into practice self-examination, setting boundaries, and creating rhythms,” says The Rev’d Tania Eichler
Hear ACSQ clergy share about a key insight they are taking away from the recent Provincial Clergy Conference and how they will implement this learning
“St Peter’s, Maroochydore recently participated in a video series showcasing the work of different people and organisations involved in the Sunshine Coast biosphere project. In our video, we shared our story about how we partner with OzHarvest to provide food and support and reduce food waste through our weekly community meal,” says The Rev’d Tania Eichler
“Josephine Butler can teach us to be courageous and faithful in standing up for the truth and the rights of those who are oppressed. She can show us how to combine compassion and action, and how to use our gifts and talents for God’s glory,” writes The Rev’d Tania Eichler, as Josephine Butler is commemorated in our Lectionary on 30 December
With the announcement that Bishop Jeremy Greaves will be installed as our new Archbishop in December, three ACSQ community members — The Rev’d Tania Eichler, The Ven. David Ruthven and Michelle McDonald — reflect on their favourite moments serving alongside Bishop Jeremy and what they are most looking forward to working with him on after his installation
“It’s important for churches to be discerning with their resources, including their properties. We discerned that in order to be good stewards and to ensure ministry sustainability that we needed to focus our mission where God is active…So we felt led to keep the Maroochydore property, and only sold the Mooloolaba property, investing the proceeds into our Maroochydore site redevelopment,” says The Rev’d Tania Eichler
As World Homelessness Day approaches on 10 October, four Anglican Church Southern Queensland community members share about their experiences of sleeping rough and helping others doing it tough on our streets
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