anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Local Group of people in a church hall smiling at the camera Local

Movies That Matter

“The five-year collaboration between St James’, Toowoomba and the Amnesty International Toowoomba Group presenting Movies That Matter is going from strength to strength,” says The Rev’d Melissa Conway

"These Gospel of Luke copies are a great resource for clergy and lay leaders to give to people who want to find out more about Jesus. They are also great to give to parishioners for sharing with people in their networks who want to know more about Jesus," The Rev'd Catherine Govan
Resources & Research

Hope25 releases free Gospel of Luke — find out how to collect copies for your ACSQ community

The ACSQ Hope25 planning group members tell us more about Hope25, including how you can source free copies of the Hope25 Gospel of Luke

Justice & Advocacy

"Like the cyclone, the trajectory of our common life is far from straightforward or linear"

“Saturday was International Women’s Day. It is the day on which we acknowledge that the vision my 13-year-old self of 50 years ago thought would be achieved in a few short years is still years away from being achieved. In fact, the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report suggests that at the current rate of progress gender economic equality is still 134 years away,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt