“Violent, stormy waters that threaten to overwhelm and even to extinguish life is a recurring motif in the scriptures. From the darkness covering the face of the deep and the unformed chaos in the opening verses of Genesis, to Jesus asleep in the storm-tossed boat in the gospels, untamed, raging waters evoke potent fear in human beings,” says Archbishop Phillip Aspinall in his Week of Prayer for Christian Unity homily
The Rev’d Canon Dr Jim McPherson reviews ABM’s Lenten resource, Where Do We Go From Here? Missional Bible Studies Based on the Book of Acts: “These are not the sort of Bible studies where texts are marshalled and compared to other texts to merely enhance Bible knowledge…The study aims to help us take Scripture so seriously that it deeply confronts our own discipleship”
Where Do We Go From Here? is the title of a new Bible study by the Anglican Board of Mission, which is based on the Book of Acts and can be used during the approaching Lenten season