anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Church of England


Fellowship, fonts and tough decisions on the fly

“By and large the business of the Synod is conducted with kindness and good humour and there is a real sense of wanting to find agreement on even the most difficult of matters. This year one of those difficult matters involved the font size used when displaying motions and amendments and the colour used when highlighting text changes. Furious debate ensued and the President of the Synod had to make some tough decisions on the fly,” says Bishop Jeremy Greaves

People & History

Walking wounded in the sunlight

“Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy was one of the new breed of Church of England chaplains that arose during World War I. The new chaplains spent time with the regular soldiers instead of officers and found themselves transformed by the harsh realities of war,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt


Bristol Cathedral display tackles slavery past

A new exhibition was launched at Bristol Cathedral recently, as part of the cathedral’s effort to understand its links with the transatlantic slave trade. The intention is to “inform a wide-ranging conversation” about the past and to help “repair and restore damaged relationships”