anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Features Features

A small grass wren

The Rev’d Dr Graham Warren reflects on 19th Century Flinders Rangers’ history and lessons learnt when ‘conventional wisdom’ ignores science, thereby threatening the common good: “Were we to summon the courage to enter the fray, what would we have to say?…Christians, together with many others as communities of faith, are easily dismissed as irrelevant in an increasingly secular world – or so we are told.”

News News

For whom the bell tolls

“The good news is that we still have time to turn this situation around, as long as we collectively and urgently take responsibility and act,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt as he call us to an ‘ecological conversion’ on Earth Overshoot Day

Future Problem Solving International Team at St Andrew’s Anglican College with their trophies after returning from the USA (L-R) Back row: Xavier Hargreaves, Mrs Jillian Green; Middle row: Charlie Fraser, Mila Dahmen, Will Law; Front row: Lachy Sandford-Bell, Luca Dadzio

St Andrew’s Anglican College students win international problem solving competition

Students from St Andrew’s Anglican College were announced the international champions in two divisions at the recent Future Problem Solving International Final in the US