anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Gospel of Matthew

"As we enter the season of Advent, let us enjoy this story with all its layers and complexities and give thanks for the awesome events that paved the way for us to be reconciled to God through his son Jesus," (The Rev'd Charlie Lacey in December 2023)
Dates & Seasons

Tough Questions: Why are Matthew's and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ birth so different?

“An author’s silence about an event need not signify that it did not happen. It is therefore judicious to reconcile the two gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth by recognising that neither author detailed every aspect of the narrative,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey


Accountable for what?

“My hunch is that we are not simple binaries of unselfish or selfish; compassionate or indifferent; sheep or goat…rather, we are a complex mix of these things,” says Bishop Cam Venables

Books & Guides

Matthew’s Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast: A sociorhetorical Interpretation

“It is the intertextual dynamic with the findings of the Royal Commission that sets this huge piece of critical biblical scholarship apart. This is not just an arcane treatise for members of the guild of biblical scholars…This is a serious piece of critical biblical interpretation that also deals with the prophetic message of the text for our Church in wider Australian society today,” says The Rev’d Dr Greg Jenks

Homilies & Addresses

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants sermon

“Our God is a God of surprises, always waiting in love for us, always waiting to give more of God’s self to us and hold our hands to grow into the people that we have been created to become. Jesus is the cornerstone and pattern maker of our faith, encouraging us to move forward with love, humility and searching,” says Kate Littmann-Kelly from St Andrew’s, Indooroopilly