#SundayIsComing reflection: 26 January 2025
“The American writer Anne Lamott says that, ‘When your god hates all the same people that you hate, you’ve created god in your image rather than the other way round.'” says Archbishop Jeremy Greaves
“The American writer Anne Lamott says that, ‘When your god hates all the same people that you hate, you’ve created god in your image rather than the other way round.'” says Archbishop Jeremy Greaves
“This book inspires me because it reminds me that being baptised and ordained does not fulfil or justify my status as a Christ follower. I am called to take up my cross and proclaim Christ’s grace, and this costly grace must be lived in my daily discipleship,” says The Rev’d Sam Sigamani from The Parish of Wynnum
“Somehow in Christ we are called to a new way of relating that is deeply grounded in the relationship we have with God. It’s not the transactional: you do something to me or for me, and – in response – I do something to you or for you. Instead, I think we are called to proactive generosity and grace…well-seasoned by wisdom,” says Bishop Cam Venables in this recent homily
“…inclusion is part of a culture that welcomes and nurtures who people are and not who we want to make them,” says The Rev’d Michael Stalley, from St Bartholomew’s, Mt Gravatt
By popular request, anglican focus has published this equally poignant and humorous homily that was given by our Archbishop at the consecration of Peter Grice as Bishop of Rockhampton on Wednesday night
“From Dover in England to Queensland in Australia, the tides rise and fall on innumerable beaches and only the groan of the shingle testifies to the lives lost at sea,” says Archbishop Justin Welby as he speaks about the world’s more than 75 million displaced people in this Washington National Cathedral sermon
Cultivating grace in faith, hope, love and trust
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