anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Intergenerational faith formation

"Unfortunately, many adults feel they are not qualified to talk to children or teenagers at church. They have lived through the era of age-segregated activities, where we were led to believe that specialist knowledge was needed to engage with others of different generations" (Fiona Hammond)

Hey, can you please explain ‘TikTokers’ to me?

“Research shows that when a child is named, intentionally included and encouraged by five adults in a church congregation, they will start to feel at home in their parish community,” says St Francis College’s Fiona Hammond, while suggesting a number of helpful conversation kick-starter questions


Raising up the leaders of today and tomorrow

“Giving young people practical experience in leading a range of ministries on Sundays and during the week has repeatedly been shown to encourage vocational identity, as ministry gifts are discovered and refined,” says AYCF’s and The Parish of Kenmore-Brookfield’s The Rev’d Jonathan Kemp

Books & Guides

Jesus was a Refugee

The Rev’d Michael Stalley reviews the children’s book Jesus was a Refugee, which draws upon the biblical narrative in Matthew’s Gospel to bring attention to Jesus’, and his family’s, experience of seeking refuge from the political threat of violence