“Julian’s well-known phrase that ‘all shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well’ comes from a place of great depth that assists us as we, too, face serious global health challenges in the COVID-19 environment,” says The Rev’d Penny Jones on Julian of Norwich, who is marked in our Lectionary on 8 May
“If we all hold our world before God in this time, we will surely come through this period with a deeper faith and a greater intimacy with God and one another…and if you find yourself in an enforced sabbath, as I have, sing (and draw) praise to God,” says The Rev’d Penny Jones
“Anselm of Canterbury was the most significant Christian theologian between Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas and is regarded as the founder of scholastic theology,” says The Rev’d Canon Dr Marian Free on St Anselm of Canterbury whose Feast Day is marked on 21 April