anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Justice & Advocacy Doctor in scrubs sitting on a park bench Justice & Advocacy

What is happening to Christian and Muslim Palestinians in Gaza and how can we help them?

“As a doctor, it is amazing to see how efficiently resources are mobilised here in Australia when an unwell or injured child comes into our emergency departments…But no resources are accessible to Palestinian children in Gaza — hospitals have been intentionally destroyed and humanitarian medical aid intentionally blocked. Children in Gaza are being left to die hungry and in pain. Why? Because Israel and its allies deem it acceptable since these children were born Palestinian. As a Palestinian and as a doctor my heart breaks every day I am unable to stop this from happening to my people,” says Dr Ahmad Abou-Sweid

"The tasty and healthy shawarma consists of layers of thinly sliced meat or chicken compacted and grilled vertically on a rotisserie. This is served with fresh pita bread and a variety of vegetables and salad," (Helen Rainger, General Synod member and President of the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network )
Justice & Advocacy

Are you being served more than meets the eye?

“Shawarma is from the Arab-Middle East region, but a recent major tour company promotion described the shawarma as an Israeli delicacy. This is a far cry from the friendly tussle between Australia and New Zealand over pavlova!” says Helen Rainger, General Synod member and President of the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network


Post from a Palestinian priest (and St Francis Theological College alumnus)

“One of my favourite memories of my time studying for the priesthood at St Francis Theological College in Brisbane in the mid-1990s was sitting on the steps drinking a XXXX beer…while listening to Palestinian music on CD and looking up at the stars,” says Palestinian priest The Rev’d Hanna Dally, who has a special invitation for Australian Anglican churches