anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Out-of-home care

Video Smiling baby in a white singlet reaching for the camera Video

Little things

There are more than 11,000 children in Queensland in need of care. For these young people, even the smallest, simplest things can have a big impact. Things like learning to ride a bike, baking a cake and helping them with homework are all big things to them. You just have to be you to change the life of a child in care

"While this is a hard story to read, the increasing willingness of people in the Church and in the wider community to speak openly about domestic and family violence, its presence and its consequences, is helping to address the stereotypes, silence, blaming and lack of recognition for those suffering in abusive relationships, including children," (The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris)
Justice & Advocacy

Addressing Church stereotypes, silence, blaming and lack of recognition

“Jan’s grief around her marriage ‘being broken’ and her beliefs that she had ‘betrayed’ her marriage vows and ‘broken her promises’ to God were profoundly influential in her initial inability to accept the priest’s help offered to her. These beliefs were grounded in what some parts of the Church espoused regarding the role of the Church, the Bible, the ‘sanctity of marriage’ and family,” says The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris, Chair of the ACSQ’s Domestic and Family Violence Working Group


We are Anglicare Southern Queensland

Anglicare Southern Queensland provides a range of social and community services, including counselling, family and wellbeing support, homelessness and housing services and youth support

Justice & Advocacy

Give the gift of hope this Christmas

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis is increasing and taking its toll on our most vulnerable community members — children. This Christmas, Anglicare Southern Queensland is calling on the community to help children in out-of-home care to have the Christmas, and the future, they deserve


Emma and Cameron's foster care story

Are you curious to know what it’s like to be a foster carer? Emma and Cameron, a young couple from the Gold Coast, share what it’s like to open their doors to young people in need
