anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Roscoe Library

Books & Guides The Rev'd Dr Ceri Wynne with a range of Wild Goose resources Books & Guides

Wild Goose series

“This is a delightful worship tale of the creation of the world from various characters, including the Professor, God and of course…the Sheep. Interspersed with carols, music, silence, artwork, and a dance for sheep, the message of the Gospel is clear and loud. I am still musing on how I might adjust this liturgy for a Christmas Eve service with an Aussie spin – The Gospel According to Koalas/Kangaroos/Wombats? Any other ideas?” says The Rev’d Dr Ceri Wynne

Video Video

Welcome to St Francis College

Explore St Francis College in Milton, Brisbane, including its beautiful grounds and state-of-the-art facilities, in this informative video: “All in all, St Francis College is a wonder of the Anglican Diocese…a powerhouse of theological learning, yet a quiet haven from hustle and bustle, enjoyed by growing numbers of students for its insightful teaching forming generations for deep thinking, innovative ministry and the future of the Church”

"The St Francis College lecturers come from a wide range of backgrounds, which allows for rich and deep conversation on many topics. It is a safe space in which to learn where everyone’s opinions and values are respected. Face-to-face lectures are second to none, although online attendance is also possible for those who can’t attend in person" (The Rev'd Dr Gemma Dashwood)

Why I studied theology

“The St Francis College lecturers come from a wide range of backgrounds, which allows for rich and deep conversation on many topics. It is a safe space in which to learn where everyone’s opinions and values are respected. Face-to-face lectures are second to none, although online attendance is also possible for those who can’t attend in person,” says The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood OAM, who was ordained a Deacon in December last year


Canon Ivor Church: more evolutionary than revolutionary

“During his time as Principal, he influenced the teaching and thinking of a number of graduates while ensuring that his views, more evolutionary than revolutionary, were heard through broader channels,” says Diocesan Archivist Michael Rogers on long-serving St Francis College Principal, The Rev’d Canon Ivor Church