“It is the intertextual dynamic with the findings of the Royal Commission that sets this huge piece of critical biblical scholarship apart. This is not just an arcane treatise for members of the guild of biblical scholars…This is a serious piece of critical biblical interpretation that also deals with the prophetic message of the text for our Church in wider Australian society today,” says The Rev’d Dr Greg Jenks
The new Director of Professional Standards, Rob Bates, tells us about the forthcoming Queensland Child Protection Week and introduces himself, his role and his team
Meet Rebecca McLean and find out about her current projects and activities, personal faith journey, secret skill, favourite hymn and what scent makes her nostalgic
“The ministry review model that I chose for the pilot provides a framework to truly ponder, reflect and pray about our faithfulness and commitment to the Ordinal, which covers, in some way, all a parish priest’s ministry responsibilities,” says The Rev’d Rick Gummow from The Parish of Drayton