anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


More than 250 St Andrew’s Anglican College staff, students and parents competed in the gruelling Kokoda Challenge event in June 2021, with students from as young as nine years old through to 18 years participating in the 15km, 30km and 48km challenges

St Andrew’s team breaks record in fourth Kokoda Challenge win

“My highlight of the Kokoda Challenge would have to be the teamwork shown by each of us during the challenge; whenever someone was becoming fatigued, we were sure to get around them and encourage them to keep on going,” says St Andrew’s Anglican College student, Cory


Bishop Cam Venables' Maundy Thursday 2021 message

“He took a bowl and a towel and he washed the feet of his disciples…Sometimes I think we may have missed the point when Jesus said, ‘Serve each other in the same way that I am serving you now.’ Sometimes I think in today’s world we’d say, ‘Don’t think that you’re too important not to do the things that everyone else takes for granted. So take your turn cleaning the toilet, doing the ironing, doing the washing, cutting the grass, doing those nitty gritty things that in lots of ways we take for granted in family life and in community life,” says Bishop Cam Venables


Serving on the Victorian bushfire frontlines

“During our three weeks away in the Victorian Alps, Robyne did great work…visiting very frightened residents, and I conducted many services…including a funeral at Mount Beauty, which we had to do in the pub,” says The Rev’d Ian Bailey on his recent service trip during the bushfire crisis


CAC student volunteers for international public health project

“My job was to clean wounds and dry skin patches, test blood pressure and blood sugar, clean ears, treat tooth decay, trim fingernails and toenails, and provide comfort,” Year 12 Coomera Anglican College student Cambria Hunt says of her recent service trip to Cambodia


CAC students’ Christmas book donation

Coomera Anglican College (CAC) students recently donated books to Gold Coast charity St John’s Crisis Centre so families in need have books to read over Christmas