anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

The Rev'd Adam Lowe

Senior Minister, St Bart’s Anglican Church, Toowoomba

The Rev'd Adam Lowe

About The Rev'd Adam -

Adam Lowe is the Senior Minister at St Bart’s Anglican Church, Toowoomba. He has a Bachelor of Behaviour Science (Griffith University), Bachelor of Psychology with Honours (Griffith University), Masters of Organisational Psychology (Griffith University), Bachelor of Theology (CSU) and a MA Theology & Religion (Durham, UK).

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Articles by The Rev'd Adam

Features The Rev'd Adam Lowe Features

You are invited to join a free ACSQ digital learning cohort

“Last year St Bart’s really benefited from participating in a national digital learning cohort with churches of different denominations and sizes involved. It was a great blessing to learn from others, wrestle with questions together, think intentionally about our own contexts and have great input from world-class experts on the subject. Commencing in late May, we are beginning a similar digital learning cohort with churches across our Diocese,” says The Rev’d Adam Lowe from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba

The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt (far right), Executive Director of Parishes and other Mission Agencies Commission Dr Stephen Harrison (far left) and Resource Church specialist Bishop Daniel Abot (Centre) at St Martin's House in May 2021)

Five Resource Church leaders share stories and resources

Five Resource Church leaders from across our Diocese tell us about their current activities and the highlights of their roles so far, while also sharing resources for parishes and ministries to use and adapt


Facilitating a COVID-19 activity review

“Leaders can be tempted to wait for a hypothetical point in the future in which we will be ʻback to normalʼ or in which things have at least stabilised…Waiting for an elusive reflection point will likely result in increased fatigue, diminished compliance, wasted resources, mission distraction, missed opportunity and reduced engagement,” says The Rev’d Adam Lowe from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, while providing helpful activity review resources for churches and ministries to use or adapt


Making and maturing disciples of Jesus

“Personal touches and intentional follow up are really important at St Bart’s. We are a community and go through the valleys and peaks of life together. Instead of making assumptions that people are too busy to come to church, small groups or other ministry activities, we follow up to make sure that people are okay and if someone is sick or a loved one has passed away, we help care for them,” says the team from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, while offering helpful ideas and resources for other churches to adapt and use