“What’s unique about SEEK is that it exclusively focuses on the character of Jesus and events surrounding his life and ministry,” say Bettrys Lowe and Amy Norman on the latest St Bart’s Kids discipleship resource
Our Diocese’s eight Resource Church Specialists tell us about their current projects and activities and the highlights of their roles so far, while also sharing resources for parishes and ministries to use and adapt
“Personal touches and intentional follow up are really important at St Bart’s. We are a community and go through the valleys and peaks of life together. Instead of making assumptions that people are too busy to come to church, small groups or other ministry activities, we follow up to make sure that people are okay and if someone is sick or a loved one has passed away, we help care for them,” says the team from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, while offering helpful ideas and resources for other churches to adapt and use
“Whether your Bible is well worn or you are unsure where to begin, here are five resources that are accessible to read (or listen to) for all ages to begin and continue reading the Bible this year,” says Amy Norman from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba
Witnessing God’s glory
“The effectiveness of St Bart’s Sunday children’s ministry largely relies upon an intentional approach to teaching the Bible, so children of all ages can read, understand and grow in their love of God,” say Children’s Ministers Bettrys Lowe and Amy Norman from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, who also offer resources for interested churches and ‘Top 10 tips’
The Second Session of the Seventy-Ninth Synod for the Diocese of Brisbane is being held on 5 to 7 October 2018 at Anglican Church Grammar School, East Brisbane – we take a look at what Synod is, its role, its history and how it functions through the eyes of a variety of Synod representatives
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