“You will also notice, no doubt, the arrival of the brightly coloured Advent candles this weekend, usually arranged in a wreath. There are several traditions about the meaning or theme of each candle,” says The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt from The Parishes of Nerang and Mudgeeraba
“I have recently been thinking about children’s books that I have collected. There are two that I want to share a little about with you…These stories tell me that death is not nearly as much to fear as is a life poorly spent,” says The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt from The Parishes of Nerang and Mudgeeraba
“Over the years the question of proving the existence of God has come up in different contexts. At high school as a student, at university and as a religion teacher,” says The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt
“Over the years I have known a few women by the name of ‘Hope’, but not one by the names ‘Courage’ or ‘Anger’. Prior to the advent of modern urban fantasy novels or dystopian fantasy novels, almost every courageous character I came across in the literature I read was male,” says The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt
In this special joint feature, four members of our Diocesan community each share about a unique experience of room ‘being made in the inn’ for them, including a former refugee and priest, a ‘camper-outerer’ and Cathedral parishioner, a parishioner and disability advocate, and a priest who moved to Australia from South Africa
“In the Roman legions, a significant portion of their success was attributed to the fact that the soldiers fought in lines, with each soldier protecting the soldier to his left. The true strength of the army was in its collective nature – in the fact that the soldiers could rely on their companions to protect them,” says The Rev’d Andrew Schmidt
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