“For the third consecutive year Holy Hermits Online is offering a Christmastide subscription for Anglican Church Southern Queensland folk and the wider community,” says The Rev’d Jamee Lee-Callard
“God’s persistent call to be in the digital space with our diverse group of HHO community members is what keeps me showing up to my computer. It seems I’m in good company because many of our folk are not with HHO because they are tech-enthusiasts, but because God is inviting them to be a part of our flourishing online community,” says Holy Hermits Online priest The Rev’d Jamee Callard, while offering online ministry tips
“Few people know about the season of Christmas — Christmastide — outside of the Church. Contrary to popular belief, Christmas is not just celebrated on 25 December,” says The Rev’d Jamee Callard, while offering a special Holy Hermits Online Christmastide subscription
Four members of our Diocesan community tell us about their favourite passage from the Gospel of Matthew, including Bishop Daniel Abot, The Rev’d Zoe Browne, Dr Stephen Harrison and The Rev’d Jamee Lee Callard
Recently the Holy Hermits Online community banded together to craft a beautiful daily Christmastide devotional for other Anglican Church Southern Queensland community members and their loved ones
“Kieron’s patience in trusting that God would make a way for him to baptism, in God’s time and in God’s way, was a beautiful model of what the season of Advent can mean for us. We who anticipate Christ’s birth in our midst with much excitement and who also await the second coming of Christ, can often wonder how these things will come to be,” says priest for Holy Hermits Online, The Rev’d Jamee Callard
Meet The Rev’d Jamee Callard and find out about her innovative Holy Hermits Online community, what holy woman inspires her the most and why, when she felt called to the priesthood, and what she does in her free time
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