anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


"Christmastide is aways a significant season for Holy Hermits Online community members," says The Rev'd Jamee Lee-Callard from Holy Hermits Online
Dates & Seasons

On the first day of Christmas, my loved one sent to me a Holy Hermits Online Christmastide subscription and a hermit in an almond tree

“For the third consecutive year Holy Hermits Online is offering a Christmastide subscription for Anglican Church Southern Queensland folk and the wider community,” says The Rev’d Jamee Lee-Callard

Sunday is coming

#SundayIsComing reflection: 8 December 2024

“…It is important to walk through Advent slowly…There are so many characters and stories, so many political and social headlines and sidelines, so many details and rumours and machinations. There is so much going on that it is easy to be distracted and to miss what God is doing in the midst of it all,” says Archbishop Jeremy

Dates & Seasons

Top 10 clergy wellbeing tips for the Advent and Christmas seasons

“In all the busyness, it can be easy for clergy to get out of beneficial habits, including healthy eating, exercising regularly, taking time out for self-care and skipping personal prayer times. It’s important for clergy to remember to take care of themselves, so that they can actually enjoy the festive season,” says ACSQ Wellbeing and Development Officer Rebecca McLean