Lead Like a Woman conference: insights and learnings
Four women share their insights and learnings from the Lead Like a Woman conference, including Susan Brockhurst, Kylie Walls, Elissa Cotroneo and The Ven. Tiffany Sparks
Four women share their insights and learnings from the Lead Like a Woman conference, including Susan Brockhurst, Kylie Walls, Elissa Cotroneo and The Ven. Tiffany Sparks
“Saturday was International Women’s Day. It is the day on which we acknowledge that the vision my 13-year-old self of 50 years ago thought would be achieved in a few short years is still years away from being achieved. In fact, the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report suggests that at the current rate of progress gender economic equality is still 134 years away,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“Women survivors are at the forefront of highlighting and addressing abuse by clergy. Their efforts come at a cost. However, when abuse disclosures are met with empathy and constructive action, healing can take place — for the Church, as well as for those directly affected,” says The Rev’d Dr Miryam Clough
Australian and international Christians are set to gather in Brisbane for the 40th anniversary of the national Movement for the Ordination of Women at a conference in November
“Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent present opportunities for us to make the same sort of return. They offer us the opportunity for reflection, sifting and renewal; they are constructed so as to offer us the opportunity to embrace new beginnings,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“The driving force behind the Movement for the Ordination of Women in Australia was Dr Patricia Brennan…As a woman and a lay person, Patricia was not permitted to preach during a visit to Brisbane. The then–Dean got around this restriction by concluding Evensong with a lengthy procession around the Cathedral, after which Patricia entered the pulpit and spoke,” says The Rev’d Canon Dr Marian Free
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