anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


"Anglicare Southern Queensland’s Chief Executive Officer Sue Cooke said the data captured all rental properties available across the region over the weekend of 16 – 17 March 2024, with the outlook for southern Queensland painting a grim picture"

Housing crisis worsens for most vulnerable — Rental Affordability Snapshot released today

Anglicare Southern Queensland’s latest Rental Affordability Snapshot, released today, reveals a deepening crisis that leaves the most vulnerable individuals and families across the whole of southern Queensland without viable housing options

Justice & Advocacy

St Peter’s, Maroochydore community features in Council video series

“St Peter’s, Maroochydore recently participated in a video series showcasing the work of different people and organisations involved in the Sunshine Coast biosphere project. In our video, we shared our story about how we partner with OzHarvest to provide food and support and reduce food waste through our weekly community meal,” says The Rev’d Tania Eichler

Justice & Advocacy

“I first became homeless at 13”

“I grew up and went to school in regional towns. I’m good with horses and cattle. I’m not arty or musical, but I can do a lot on the land. Nearly anything. But I’ve been living on the streets on and off for a long time,” says Harry


Homelessness Week: from sleeping rough to wearing scrubs

Homelessness is a sad reality for thousands of young people in Southern Queensland who find themselves living on the streets. At just 16 years old, Cherice had been kicked out of home, having to move in with her other parent, who was later incarcerated. Despite juggling two jobs and school, she simply couldn’t afford the rent