anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Kuku Yalanji people

A host of young Earth Guardians gathered to share what they want to see protected the most in God's good creation at On Earth Fest at St Francis College on 16 October 2021.

Hundreds gather at St Francis College to explore the arts, faith and justice

Over 400 people gathered at the inaugural On Earth Fest at St Francis College on Saturday to celebrate the arts and faith, exploring how these intersect with justice, while raising over $2,100 for Anglican Board of Mission programs


NAIDOC Week: what ‘Heal Country’ means to me

“My traditional ‘Country’ is nestled in the tropical rainforest of Far North Queensland on Kuku Yalanji land that will always be a part of me. When we speak of ‘Country’, this not only includes the land, but the sea, reef beds, riverways, sky, mountain ranges, animals, plants and people, and so on,” says Kuku Yalanji Traditional Owner and Anglicare Cultural Support Worker, Lalania Tusa


More than a word: Reconciliation takes action

“Through the Reconciliation process, I believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children will have the same life chances and choices as non-Indigenous children, and the length and quality of First Nations peoples’ lives will not be determined by their racial background,” says Anglicare Cultural Support Worker and Kuku Yalanji Traditional Owner Lalania Tusa, as National Reconciliation Week continues