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The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

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Films & TV Promo image of The Idol Films & TV

The Idol

The Idol tells the story of how Mohammad Assaf travelled from the Khan Yunis refugee camp in Palestine’s Gaza strip to the Arab Idol competition in Beirut. Since the film is based on real life and the outcome is famously known, the artistic challenge for the filmmaker was to present the story in a fresh way that keeps the viewer engaged,” says The Rev’d Dr Greg Jenks, who is the former Dean of St George’s College, Jerusalem


The European Reformations: what do the stories of everyday people tell us?

“Students and strangers often tell me, sotto voce and slightly awkwardly, that history was never their favourite subject at school. They then often explain that they were told to memorise lists of king and queens or prime ministers, or dates and places of major events, all with little context. To me, that is not history. History is not primarily concerned with the when and where – history is the study of people and the world they lived in,” says Dr Sheilagh O’Brien from St Francis College

Films & TV

Corpus Christi

“Redemption comes in many colours and Corpus Christi paints them delightfully,” says Jonathan Sargeant in this review of a Polish film based on true events and nominated for the 2020 Academy Award for Best International Feature

Films & TV


“DARK’s story threads riff off Greek tragedies. What first appear to be philosophical musings and hypothetical ethical dilemmas become concrete plot points requiring answers…My conversations with other viewers have uncovered some using spreadsheets to keep track of relationships and family involvements,” says Jonathan Sargeant on the Netflix series, DARK


Modern Poets: faith meeting music

“Those years in the Modern Poets were enormously formative, to both our identities and faith. An unshakeable belief in the positive place of faith and the Church in the public space was born,” says musician Jonathan Sargeant, as he reflects on his formative years as a band member in the 1980s