anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Provincial Clergy Conference

"Mission for the Tasiu is incarnational. They witness to the Gospel by living alongside communities, sharing in their struggles, visiting folk who are sick, helping older people and speaking of their faith. Each household follows a daily rhythm of prayer and work," says Brad Chapman from the Anglican Board of Mission

What can we learn about mission from one of the world’s most successful religious orders?

“Being sent out in mission does not necessarily mean going somewhere far away. If God’s mission has placed you right where you are at this moment, how could mission bring hope, healing and the flourishing of life into the communities where you find yourself?” asks Brad Chapman, Missioner for the Anglican Board of Mission and Provincial Clergy Conference speaker


“Holding my mala (hand), Nguma would guide me”

“Through Nguma’s teaching I have learnt that no matter what trials I face, I can always find joy in my heart through my connection with God, as written in scripture,” says MaMu woman and Christian Phyllis Marsh from WestMAC, who will be speaking at this year’s Provincial Clergy Conference


Reflections on John Roberto: reimagining faith formation

John Roberto, as keynote speaker at our recent Clergy and Lay Conferences, spoke about reimagining faith formation for the 21st century – four conference participants share their reflections on engaging digital technologies and media, how to embrace change, the benefits of intergenerational approaches and how a faith-based school culture can nourish families and staff


Faith formation for a new and exciting era

The triennial Provincial Clergy and Lay Conferences were recently held, with author and faith formation expert John Roberto presenting as key speaker – local clergy and lay leaders summarise Roberto’s key ideas and the potentially rich application of these for our Diocese