anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


"Our response to the evil, chaos and uncertainty in the world around us is to remain steadfast and faithful to Christ, as we seek to live out his kingdom values" (The Rev'd Charlie Lacey, 2023)

Tough Questions: When will Jesus return?

“Jesus is going to return and we cannot know when, regardless of what is happening in the world around us. However, of crucial importance to us is our state of readiness, a subject that Jesus addressed at length and is the theme of at least four parables,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from The Parish of Springfield


“The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it”

“Birds often give me solace, including a wedge-tailed eagle after the violent death of a cousin; encouragement from black cockatoos at the closing of a Kairos Outside prison ministry weekend; affirmation from bulbuls outside my house in Dodoma after my arrival and upon my departure,” says Marilyn Wright from St Bartholomew’s, Mt Gravatt, as the Season of Creation continues


Plastic pollution is a big problem that we can collectively take small steps to solve

“On my afternoon walks with my wife, Alison, we each carry a shoulder bag because along the track we find considerable litter – many chocolate wrappers, plastic bags, take-away cups and other items. We collect soft plastics in one bag and the hard plastic containers, cups and cans in the other, so they are not washed into the creek,” says The Rev’d Peter Moore as World Environment Day approaches

Homilies & Addresses

“I want to go through life loving God with my whole heart”

“All my life I have been going to church every Sunday. At first it seemed like the most boring thing in the world, but then I started to listen. I started to sing the hymns, I started to read along with the Psalms and ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and the Creed. Everything seemed to make sense, and the more I learnt about it, the more I realised how great it was,” said Katie Free from All Saints’, Cambooya during her recent Confirmation service


Celebrating World Fair Trade Day: benefits and resources

“Fair Trade helps support small-scale farmers, artisans and producers, like Gulshan and her community, to cultivate safer, healthier and more sustainable communities around the world. So by buying Fair Trade certified products you are part of an effective movement for change,” says The Rev’d John Martin from The Parish of Robina