anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Red Rose Foundation

Justice & Advocacy A red bench was installed and commemorated in May 2023 at St Oswald’s Anglican Church in Banyo Justice & Advocacy

Banyo’s new red bench blessed

“It is important for St Oswald’s Church to increase domestic and family violence awareness as part of our parish’s Mission Action Plan. This plan helps Banyo parishioners implement our commitment to challenging violence, particularly violence within families,” says The Parish of Banyo’s Elizabeth Nunn

The St John's Cathedral red bench was installed and blessed by The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt following the 9.30am Eucharist on Sunday 27 November during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign. Pictured (L-R) are: Norma Kleinschmidt, Glynis Jenkins, Bess Dunglison, Anne Willet, The Rev’d Eleanor Mancini, Ailini Gilliam and Denise Schellbach
Justice & Advocacy

Cathedral Mothers Union group installs red bench

“The idea of having a red bench at the Cathedral began when Betty Taylor, founder of the Red Rose Foundation, was a guest speaker at a Mothers Union gathering in 2021. The Red Rose Foundation works to eliminate domestic and family violence related deaths,” says Secretary of St John’s Cathedral Mothers Union, Glynis Jenkins


Bundaberg Anglicans say ‘no’

“For the second time, Anglican Mothers Union Bundaberg held three events to support the ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence’ campaign. This year, we partnered with Bundaberg Regional Council, who show their commitment to raising awareness of domestic and family violence through the Red Bench Project,” says Bev Perry, Branch President of AMUA, Bundaberg