anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Sudanese and South Sudanese community

International Two Sudanese clergy dressed in robes outside a church in Sudan International

Ecumenical solidarity: standing with Sudan in times of crisis

Since April 2023, Sudan has faced a harrowing humanitarian emergency due to clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The consequences have been dire: millions displaced, basic necessities scarce, healthcare inaccessible, and education disrupted. Over 7.4 million people are displaced, making it the largest internal displacement crisis globally

"We are especially concerned about the impacts of this Bill on our South Sudanese congregation members who have rebuilt their lives in freedom and safety and actively serve their local communities. We are inspired daily by their resilience, generosity, courage and graciousness, as we are by other refugees within our wider diocesan community," (The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt)
Justice & Advocacy

Anglican Church Southern Queensland’s SRC opposes “dangerously flawed" and "Trump-like" Bill

“It is gravely concerning that the Labor Government is pursuing policy ‘on the run’ by dropping a dangerously flawed Bill on the opposition and crossbench instead of constructively and collaboratively seeking humane solutions. The Bill has been rightly and widely criticised for its ‘God-like’ powers and ‘Trump-like’ line by banning citizens of entire countries from applying for Australian visas, including study, travel and business visas. For Christians the term ‘God-like’ connotes compassion rather than such unprecedented race-to-the-bottom callousness,” says Social Responsibilities Committee chair The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, while inviting you to help


Bishop Daniel Abot’s Palm Sunday 2024 message

“I remember my first Palm Sunday. It was in 1987. I was fleeing to Ethiopia from South Sudan, along with thousands of other young boys and girls, to avoid being conscripted as a child soldier. Even though I was only 11 years old at the time, I knew it was Palm Sunday. Because we were fleeing on foot through the bush, the only way we could keep track of time was by the moon. We gathered under a shady tree in prayer to commemorate the special day,” says Bishop Daniel Abot


"Please pray — they will feel that prayer”

Members of our Diocesan community recently joined in a global ecumenical prayer vigil, hosted online by the World Council of Churches, which gathered clergy and lay people in solidarity, hope and lament for the people of Sudan who continue to suffer amidst the violent conflict — resources are available for online or in-person vigils