anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

The Beatitudes

“Over 90 per cent of voters voted ‘yes’ in the 1967 referendum in what was to become a watershed moment in our shared history, especially in the way it united us...I am hopeful that this year’s referendum will be a success" (Aunty Dr Rose Elu)
Justice & Advocacy

ACSQ Parliamentary submission: 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God'

“As Christians, we place a high value on peace. The Bible records Jesus of Nazareth saying: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God’…We believe that the implementation of the Voice through the proposed constitutional amendment wording will advance peace and the ongoing Reconciliation process, thus helping to foster healing and unify our country,” say Aunty Dr Rose Elu, Canon Bruce Boase, The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt, Anglicare’s Sue Cooke and the Anglican Schools Commission’s Sherril Butterworth in their recent Parliamentary submission


Nurturing student-centred engagement with scripture

“Many experienced educators desire an opportunity or device that encourages both authentic academic engagement and student-centred and directed interaction with complex scriptural writings, as either a catalyst or means of nurturing their journey of discovery. To this end, we have combined three known processes into a single lesson,” says Churchie Religious Education Faculty Head, Max Condon