anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Theological study

Reflections Woman sitting in a library surrounded by kids' books Reflections

“The gifts of knowledge, of community and of connection”

“There are many subjects taught at St Francis College that are specifically designed to support those working in schools and with other young people. This study has allowed me to further develop the ethos of the school, to be nourished and to connect with the faith community and engage deeply, both with the content and the shared lived experiences uniting us a Christian community,” says St Francis College student Taryn Hirst

Reflections Tim Netwon swinging a thurible in the House Chapel Reflections

Why did the chicken run across the Oxfordshire road?

“Excellent thurifers spin the thurible in such a way that a thick cloud emerges during the Eucharistic Prayer. I try and get a good smoke happening. Although there is a fine line between smothering the incense hot coals and not putting enough incense in the thurible,” says formation student Tim Newton, who is currently studying theology at Oxford University

People & History

A coin is worth a thousand words

In the ancient coins, lamps, manuscripts, marble statues, and mosaics that remain, the imagery and imagination of a distant time and place can be found again, allowing us to find new ways to tell the stories of the past for the present,” says Dr Sheilagh Ilona O’Brien, with The Rev’d Dr Gregory Jenks


St Francis College is joining the University of Divinity

“St Francis College will complete its affiliation with Charles Sturt University in 2023 and begin partnering with the University of Divinity as our higher education provider. The invitation to join the University of Divinity is a new beginning for St Francis College, creating significant and exciting opportunities for growth,” says the Academic Dean, Dr Peter Kline