anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Director of Mission, Research and Advocacy, Anglicare Southern Queensland

Dr Stephen Harrison

About Dr Stephen -

Dr Stephen Harrison is the Director of Mission, Research and Advocacy at Anglicare Southern Queensland. Stephen has degrees in science, theology, education, community welfare and a Doctorate in ministry from CSU. He has a passion for missiology and ecclesiology, with 25 years’ experience with parishes, schools and commissions in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland.

Dr Stephen writes on -

Articles by Dr Stephen

"The majority of Anglicare’s programs are Government funded. However, there are activities that Anglicare engages in that are not funded in this way, but are undertaken as missional priorities. Youth homelessness is a particular priority," (Dr Stephen Harrison)
Dates & Seasons

Anglicare Sunday

“Sunday 13 August 2023 was designated at the recent Synod as ‘Anglicare Sunday’ in our Diocese. This day is a wonderful opportunity for parishes and other faith communities to acknowledge, celebrate and pray for the work of Anglicare Southern Queensland,” says Dr Stephen Harrison