anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Dharumbal people

Justice & Advocacy Gubbi Gubbi and Dharumbal man and Anglicare Cultural Practice Lead Adrian Malone Justice & Advocacy

Why I am voting “yes” in the referendum: Adrian Malone

“My dad’s mum, Nan, taught me Dreaming stories, about animals and language. My mum’s dad, Grandad Daylight, taught me stories about the Dreaming, including how the mountains were formed. When I was very young, my aunties and uncles taught me how to fish for whiting and barramundi and how to hunt for turtle and dugong. I learnt a lot from my Old People around the campfire because I listened,” says Gubbi Gubbi and Dharumbal man Adrian Malone from Anglicare