anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Homilies & Addresses Bishop Cam Venables Homilies & Addresses

Generosity and grace…well-seasoned by wisdom

“Somehow in Christ we are called to a new way of relating that is deeply grounded in the relationship we have with God. It’s not the transactional: you do something to me or for me, and – in response – I do something to you or for you. Instead, I think we are called to proactive generosity and grace…well-seasoned by wisdom,” says Bishop Cam Venables in this recent homily

"Most profound of all, of course, Peter’s graciousness eloquently manifests and expresses the very heart of the gospel," (Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, pictured here with the newly consecrated Bishop of Rockhampton Peter Grice and clergy from around Australia)
Homilies & Addresses

The Grace of Grice

By popular request, anglican focus has published this equally poignant and humorous homily that was given by our Archbishop at the consecration of Peter Grice as Bishop of Rockhampton on Wednesday night