anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Holy Week

Reflections Station of the cross Reflections

“And a Good Friday Was Had by All”

“A few years ago I walked a set of The Stations of the Cross that had been erected in a farm paddock in the Hunter Valley. The day on which we walked it was hot, dry and dusty. Many of the participants were quite elderly; some were very unsteady on their feet…one of the participants stumbled and fell,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt


"The first Easter I remember"

“As a community, after the Easter Day service we celebrated the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with a big kai kai (feast). People from all over the Torres Strait Islands and Papua New Guinea (which was then still administered by Australia) came via sailing canoes rather than by motor boats, bringing seafood, taro, sweet potato, casava, sago and other traditional foods. We then had traditional dancing with men wearing headdresses made of emu feathers and women wearing grass skirts,” says Uncle Milton Walit from NATSIAC and The Parish of Laidley


Bishop Cam Venables' Maundy Thursday 2024 poem

“The elements of THAT Thursday include a bowl and towel, and wine and bread, and the knowledge He said, ‘Whenever you do this…remember me’, before His plea to simply love…The appalling injustice of ‘Good Friday’ is not something from long ago, it is happening even now,” says Bishop Cam Venables in his Maundy Thursday poem