anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Quandamooka people

Features Features

A surprising letter discovery

“While starting to think about writing this article, the most wonderful thing happened. I was packing up my paperwork, as I am moving house, and to my surprise, I found a letter from the Secretary of the Queensland NAIDOC Week committee asking me to be a judge for the 1976 Miss NAIDOC competition,” says Quandamooka and Bundjalung Elder Aunty Sandra King OAM, while also telling us about continuing NAIDOC Week events planned for early September


Time to listen and learn because change only starts with us

“I gained a greater understanding of the importance of ‘sorry’, Reconciliation and the power of education. I believe encouraging school students to visit places like the Beulah Community, in order to hear directly from First Nations peoples, is essential for creating change,” says Year 12 St Hilda’s School student Aimee Webb on her recent excursion to the Beulah Community and St Mark’s Anglican Church, Buderim


Oodgeroo Noonuccal: contributions to our Diocese

In the course of indexing the Brisbane Diocesan Newsletter, a photograph of a former Archbishop of Brisbane standing next to one of the most prominent First Nation poets of the 20th century sparked a Records and Archives investigation into the connections between Oodgeroo Noonuccal and St Mark’s Church, Dunwich on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island)


Traditional Custodians: educators

“I am often asked to yarn with young school students – facilitating yarning is an important role of a First Nations educator…Everything I know is from yarning, listening and learning from my family and Elders,” says Aunty Sandra King OAM