“All parishes do things in different ways, and we in Drayton are enjoying finding ways to live the loving, serving, joyous Christian life authentically,” says The Rev’d Rick Gummow from The Parish of Drayton
“In our own little way we have made a community of care for those who come to join us, something I have found at Christ Church since I was lucky enough to come up here to journey with them,” says The Ven. Sue Barker from The Parish of Goonaneman
“The motto of the Allora Men’s Shed is ‘Pass it on before you pass on’. I appreciate their characteristic rural matter-of-factness and generosity. Their motto recognises the value of what people bring to the group and that everyone has something to share with others — some expertise or genius to offer,” says The Rev’d Matthew Skelton from The Parish of Allora-Clifton
“A common question asked in churches these days is, ‘Where are the children and their families?’ The answer in the BMF-supported Parish of Brisbane Valley is, ‘In the local state schools.’ All schools need caring and faithful volunteers from the wider community to support their important work,” says The Rev’d Loretta Tyler-Moss