St Luke’s Anglican Church, Ekibin recently received two prestigious Five Leaf Eco-Awards for their climate and environmental action commitments
“Those of us who live on the Cathedral precinct have found that the birds who live here appreciate it when we take the time to stop and say hello,” says The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt
“Francis challenged the idea that the world and all living things were just commodities to be exploited. He saw them as inheritors, along with us of the kingdom of heaven. It’s not always easy to see the same kinship with nature that Francis saw, especially when you’re being pursued along the footpath by an aggressive magpie,” says The Rev’d Robert Paget from St Paul’s, Samford
“Although poverty was Francis’ cornerstone, he was also passionate about recognising the sanctity of all God’s creatures. He was often seen in conversation with animals of all kinds, and in his famous ‘Canticle of the Creatures’ his habit of calling elements of nature ‘brother and sister’ is clearly documented,” says The Rev’d Dr Gemma Dashwood OAM TSSF