anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Society of St Francis

Bishop Godfrey Fryar reviewed John-Francis Friendship’s latest book, What Do You Seek? Wisdom from religious life for today's world
Books & Guides

What Do You Seek? Wisdom from religious life for today's world

“As Friendship’s book reveals to us, monasticism offers a distinct wisdom to ponder – a wisdom that is being written in the lives of so many people who continue to test and live out this vocation from God, in both old and new ways,” says Bishop Godfrey Fryar


Possibly the most life-changing words I ever heard: Sandra Beck

“After hearing the woman’s remark, I started worshipping with one of the largely black congregations, which was closer to the university, along with a few white academics and students. My new parish was then administered by some Brothers from the Society of St Francis. I loved the parish’s atmosphere from the get-go,” says Sandra Beck from the Third Order of The Society of St Francis


Anglican Aid Abroad: witnessing the love of Jesus for 50 years

“In 2008, my spiritual life was radically and indelibly changed by a 14-week visit to the Sisters of St Mary in Tanzania on behalf of Anglican Aid Abroad. There I witnessed the profound faith and love of Jesus shown in schools, health clinics, support for the vulnerable, care for people who were maimed and outcast, and through the teaching of sewing and agriculture to improve livelihoods,” says Marilyn Wright from St Bart’s, Mt Gravatt


The saint and the sultan

With St Francis of Assisi’s Feast Day approaching on 4 October, Franciscan Brother Alfred BoonKong reflects on the great saint’s bond with the Sultan of Egypt, Palestine and Syria during the 13th century: “Francis’ friendship with the Sultan challenges us today to seek ways to listen to and dialogue with Muslims and people of other faiths in a spirit of openness and collaboration”