Check out what students, staff and parents from The Southport School and St Hilda’s School said on the opening night of their latest collaboration – a production of Oliver! The coming-of-age stage musical, Oliver!, is based upon the 1838 novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens: “I’m nervous and excited because we’ve worked so hard for this. Twelve months of planning and eight months of just practise and practise. I’m sure we’ve got this,” said TSS student Max Scott
“By intentionally growing in faith, taking time to reflect and discern before making decisions and sometimes choosing the less popular path are ways that we can be more open to the Holy Spirit guiding us,” says Lucy Dougherty from Gold Coast North Anglican Church and St Hilda’s School
“Since COVID-19 hit I have seen a lot more people living on the Gold Coast streets. I have also heard and read many stories of people losing their jobs. This made me feel very devastated and I knew that my family and I must try to help in any way we could,” says Year 6 St Hilda’s School student Gabrielle Aloysius, as she shares about a very special partnership she has forged between her school, her local church and business
A working bee was recently held at St Hilda’s School to create a community garden and labyrinth for student learning and exploration