anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community


Local Woman surrounded by stationery items in an office Local

Grant opportunities for youth and children’s ministry

“One of the focus areas of GFS — An Anglican Ministry (formally Girls Friendly Society) is to provide financial grants to Anglican Church Southern Queensland parishes, groups and schools for their current (or forthcoming) youth and children’s ministry,” says Margaret Humphries from GFS — An Anglican Ministry

Video Two children and a teacher at a desk Video

World Teachers' Day 2024 message

Hear Archbishop Jeremy’s World Teachers’ Day message as he expresses his “heartfelt gratitude for the incredible work our teachers do in our Anglican schools” and schedule his message for your social message channels for 25 October when Queensland celebrates World Teachers’ Day this year

"The Bible places great emphasis on God being loving, compassionate, merciful and just, says The Rev'd Charlie Lacey

Tough Questions: Do all babies go to heaven?

“The question of whether all babies go to heaven is one of deep personal and pastoral significance and the cause of much anguish to a great many people. From the outset, it is important to acknowledge that no verse of scripture addresses this matter specifically; however, much can be inferred from a variety of pertinent texts, from which we can take a great deal of comfort,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey

Faith book reflections

The book I have given away the most and why: Vanessa Gamack

“The first time I thumbed through this book, I was captivated. Any educator who is passionate about teaching young children about Jesus will find this book a rich feast of fabulous information…In fact, every time I glance through the book I notice another detail in one of the illustrations that just makes me smile,” says Vanessa Gamack, Mission Education Advisor at the Anglican Schools Commission