anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Climate and creation care

Video People walking around on a Torres Strait island beach Video

Archbishop Jeremy Greaves on Torres Strait Islander 4MW (Meriba Wakai) Radio

“Seeing for myself just how serious the issue is in some places and the damage that has been done and the struggle for people to get people to listen and particularly Government to commit to proper funding to help with the…seawalls and sandbags and to do that properly…We saw the coastal erosion and heard stories about where the beach used to be and the houses that are no longer there because the land has become so eroded. In a couple of places we saw where the bones of ancestors had been washed out to sea,” says Archbishop Jeremy Greaves in his 4MW Radio interview with Aunty Jen Enosa

"Torres Strait Eight" Traditional Owner Yessie Mosby showing Archbishop Jeremy Greaves the impacts of climate change, including the shrinking shoreline and where the ancestral resting places were previously located before being washed away, at his family’s property on Masig on Saturday 11 May 2024

Archbishop Jeremy echoes urgent call for 1.5 degree climate threshold after Torres Strait visit

Archbishop Jeremy has echoed the urgent call of Torres Strait Islander Traditional Owners to limit global average surface warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures following his recent visit to Poruma and Masig Islands

Justice & Advocacy

Bangkok, Brisbane and the Biblical call for creation care

While the scale of climate injustice in the world can sometimes feel overwhelming, there are practical things we can do together to bring about a world where peace and justice flow like a river in our relationships with one another, with God and with God’s good creation,” says the Justice Unit’s Peter Branjerdporn, as the Season of Creation approaches