Importance of the Eucharist
Bishop Jonathan Holland, former principal of St Francis Theological College, talks about the centrality of the Eucharist for Anglican Christians
Bishop Jonathan Holland, former principal of St Francis Theological College, talks about the centrality of the Eucharist for Anglican Christians
“The Christmas story fascinates, intrigues and challenges,” begins a Christmas message from World Council of Churches acting general secretary The Rev’d Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca
Hear Archbishop Phillip Aspinall explain the presiding role of the priest in the Eucharist: “In the Eucharist the priest presides over the rite and the ritual, exercising that leadership role in the community that has many facets to it…the president doesn’t do everything, but the president kind of holds it together”
“…perhaps, a first step on the way back to amazement might be gratitude. We could start by giving thanks. We could start by naming before Jesus all those things we know to be ‘gifts’ in our lives…like the memory of a small boy almost trembling in anticipation and excitement about a waterslide ride with his dad,” says Bishop Jeremy Greaves
Hear The Rev’d Gillian Moses and Bishop Jonathan Holland explain the place of the Eucharist, and how our hearts are “set on fire as we chew over the scriptures” and how we then “get inspired when we meet Christ in the bread and the wine”
“It is so important for people to worship in their vernacular because worship and life are the same. They are God’s gifts. We worship in the language that God has gifted us,” says The Rev’d Eleanor Mancini
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