Check out this wonderfully produced St Bart’s, Toowoomba resourcing video about the nativity, with a focus on the shepherds
“Surely, we, like John, can inhabit the challenges and tensions in our world with courage, looking outward, unconfined by the structure and the scaffolding. We can and should confound expectations: in justice, in generosity and in compassion. A new kind of future is ahead,” said The Ven. Lizzie Gaitskell in her Synod 2023 sermon
Four members of our Diocesan community tell us about their favourite passage from the Gospel of Matthew, including Bishop Daniel Abot, The Rev’d Zoe Browne, Dr Stephen Harrison and The Rev’d Jamee Lee Callard
“Liturgy, then, is not first and foremost about prayer books, or rituals, or religious spaces. All of these things are meant to make audible and visible a reality that is not captured or exhausted by any of them, namely, God’s love for our embodied existence – for our flesh. The challenge of enacting liturgy is to make God’s love tangible amidst actual people and the concreteness of their lived lives,” says Dr Peter Kline from St Francis College