anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission

Resources & Research The Rev’d Tim Booth facilitating a St James’, Toowoomba visioning day on 3 June 2023 in the St Anne’s, Highfields hall Resources & Research

What is a Mission Action Plan and why are MAPs important?

“A MAP isn’t a corporate design process looking into a five- to 10-year ‘crystal ball’, identifying an egocentric vision and specifying how we’ll achieve it. Mission Action Planning is the documenting of prayerful discernment conversations by a faith community regarding where and how it’s being called to participate in God’s mission,” says Ministry Development Officer The Rev’d Tim Booth

"Conversations about dying are important because it is something that we all face" (The Rev'd Canon Cheryl Selvage)
Resources & Research

Voluntary Assisted Dying: information and resources

“The VAD training day affirmed that the new legislation will impact many in our communities. While it may not directly impact you or a loved one, no doubt someone in your wider community, for example in your church family, will be impacted. Conversations about dying are important because it is something that we all face,” says The Rev’d Canon Cheryl Selvage

Resources & Research

Welcoming and including autistic people in our churches

Two Australian Anglicans – a young woman with autism and the parent of a child with autism – share their stories of inclusion and respect in parishes: “The overwhelming impression I got was that the parish community members were there for the common good rather than for their individual needs. As a result of their experience, both my primary-aged children understand church and want to go to church”


Consultation and consensus: handing back the role of Bishop

“In my culture people have a collective consciousness. This means that I can’t make important decisions impacting my community alone. Just as I couldn’t refuse the role as Bishop, I couldn’t decide as an individual to resign from the role. In order to hand back the role of Bishop, I needed to travel to South Sudan for three months earlier this year so I could consult,” says Resource Church specialist Bishop Daniel Abot


Talking circles: 8 tips for hearing the wisdom in the room

“I first encountered a talking circle at a Quaker Sunday service in a circular room on a rainforested hill in the Brisbane suburb of Kelvin Grove. I entered the room to find people sitting in silence in a circle of chairs around a small central table…With the recent shift back to in-person gatherings, talking circles are a great way to foster dialogue, with hybrid in-person/digital options also possible. Here are eight tips to make your talking circle space suited for dialogue that matters,” says The Rev’d Tim Booth, Ministry Development Officer from the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission