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Professional supervision

News Academic Dean Dr Peter Kline, Principal The Rev'd Dr Ruth Mathieson and Registrar Dr Sheilagh O'Brien News

St Francis College is joining the University of Divinity

“St Francis College will complete its affiliation with Charles Sturt University in 2023 and begin partnering with the University of Divinity as our higher education provider. The invitation to join the University of Divinity is a new beginning for St Francis College, creating significant and exciting opportunities for growth,” says the Academic Dean, Dr Peter Kline


“In hindsight I wish that I had put consideration into the first professional supervisor I selected”

“As with most other practitioners and service providers that we engage, there will be times that that doctor, that electrician, that coach, that counsellor will not be the right fit. To give yourself the best shot at finding the right supervisor the first time, it may be helpful to consider the following questions,” says Wellbeing and Development Officer Rebecca McLean from the Parishes and Other Mission Agencies Commission


What is professional supervision and how does it differ to spiritual direction, mentoring and coaching?

“Like many priests, I am a resourceful person and am capable of a number of things; however, professional supervision keeps me accountable to my key calling as a priest. So, I have been seeing a professional supervisor monthly since the start of last year in order to be more discerning about my call and regarding what initiatives and activities I choose to engage in,” says The Rev’d Tania Eichler


Lightening the load: letting go of toxic guilt and old patterns of security

“Thus, professional supervision is a facilitated ‘taking notice’ of what is triggered up in you, the supervisee, in your workplace. Support interactions sometimes trigger up undealt-with issues of the clergyperson or lay minister doing the supporting. Supervision prevents these triggered reactions being loaded onto the supported. Consequently, supervision protects you the supported, and both organisations,” says Sr Catherine Hefferan rsm, a supervisor within the St Francis College program