“The character of Phoebe in Paul’s Letter to the Romans has always intrigued me. Paul wrote to the Church in Rome, trusting Phoebe with the delivery of that letter…So, she’s a landowner, runs a thriving business and is trusted by the Christian community far and wide. That is a life I wanted to read more about,” says Fiona Hammond from St Francis College
“It is more than a ‘good book’, it is dynamite, and we should take every opportunity to get this powerful text into the hands of as many people as possible,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey, as he shares a hair-raising story about crossing a checkpoint in West Africa
“It’s a story about how God interrupted the mundane rhythms of a Welsh retreat centre, transforming it into a House of Prayer, inspiring the development of the international Local Houses of Prayer movement,” says The Rev’d Cameron Freese
“This book has cemented in me a religious outlook that resembles a scientist’s — the impact of my actions can be measured not by the actions themselves, but by the way they affect the ones around me,” says Vicky Pascon, St John’s College UQ student and St Andrew’s, South Brisbane parishioner