anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Gender-based violence

Justice & Advocacy Two women sitting inside on couches Justice & Advocacy

Addressing Church stereotypes, silence, blaming and lack of recognition

“Jan’s grief around her marriage ‘being broken’ and her beliefs that she had ‘betrayed’ her marriage vows and ‘broken her promises’ to God were profoundly influential in her initial inability to accept the priest’s help offered to her. These beliefs were grounded in what some parts of the Church espoused regarding the role of the Church, the Bible, the ‘sanctity of marriage’ and family,” says The Ven. Dr Lucy Morris, Chair of the ACSQ’s Domestic and Family Violence Working Group

ACSQ Domestic and Family Violence Project Officer Jenny Clark and Bishop Cam Venables, who is currently serving as Acting Chair of the ACSQ Domestic and Family Violence Working Group, discussing resources in St Martin's House after their completion of an online Ridley College course (May 2023)
Justice & Advocacy

Ridley College DFV education and training course reflections

May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month in Queensland. Several ACSQ clergy and lay leaders recently completed a free self-paced online Ridley College course on domestic and family violence education and effective responding. Three participants share their course reflections, including Bishop Cam Venables, Carole Danby and Jenny Clark

Justice & Advocacy

Anglican hospital in Gaza helping to empower mothers as their young children make vital health gains

“Anglicans in Development (AID), part of the Anglican Board of Mission, has worked closely with the Ahli Arab Hospital for many years, chiefly in supporting its outreach to improve the health and future of underweight babies in Gaza. More recently, AID has begun supporting a new initiative that combines child nutrition services with educating mothers about nutrition,” says Dr Julianne Stewart

Justice & Advocacy

Cathedral Mothers Union group installs red bench

“The idea of having a red bench at the Cathedral began when Betty Taylor, founder of the Red Rose Foundation, was a guest speaker at a Mothers Union gathering in 2021. The Red Rose Foundation works to eliminate domestic and family violence related deaths,” says Secretary of St John’s Cathedral Mothers Union, Glynis Jenkins


“Let’s acknowledge the good news that domestic and family violence is preventable”

“My involvement in the domestic and family violence space began when my sister, Allison Baden-Clay, was murdered by her husband in April 2012. Her story shocked and gripped the nation. It resonated with people in the community and was in the media almost daily for months. At the time my family wondered why there was so much interest in Allison’s story,” says Vanessa Fowler OAM from St Paul’s, Ipswich and the ACSQ Domestic and Family Violence Working Group