anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Generations together

Features Features

Hey, can you please explain ‘TikTokers’ to me?

“Research shows that when a child is named, intentionally included and encouraged by five adults in a church congregation, they will start to feel at home in their parish community,” says St Francis College’s Fiona Hammond, while suggesting a number of helpful conversation kick-starter questions

Discipling children at St Bart's, Toowoomba in July 2020 to grow in their understanding and love for Jesus (L-R clockwise): Bettrys and Dan lead the Prep Small Group of Charlotte, Charlotte, Saskia, Charlie, George, Edith and Zia.

How to run an effective and engaging Sunday children’s ministry

“The effectiveness of St Bart’s Sunday children’s ministry largely relies upon an intentional approach to teaching the Bible, so children of all ages can read, understand and grow in their love of God,” say Children’s Ministers Bettrys Lowe and Amy Norman from Resource Church St Bart’s, Toowoomba, who also offer resources for interested churches and ‘Top 10 tips’


Carols by glow stick

The Rev’d Adam Lowe from St Bart’s, Toowoomba shares some simple ideas and helpful resources for churches so they can run enjoyable and effective Christmas carol events for their communities