anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Kingdom of God

Homilies & Addresses Kate Littmann-Kelly preaching at St Andrew's, Indooroopilly on Sunday 8 October 2023 Homilies & Addresses

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants sermon

“Our God is a God of surprises, always waiting in love for us, always waiting to give more of God’s self to us and hold our hands to grow into the people that we have been created to become. Jesus is the cornerstone and pattern maker of our faith, encouraging us to move forward with love, humility and searching,” says Kate Littmann-Kelly from St Andrew’s, Indooroopilly

"Our response to the evil, chaos and uncertainty in the world around us is to remain steadfast and faithful to Christ, as we seek to live out his kingdom values" (The Rev'd Charlie Lacey, 2023)

Tough Questions: When will Jesus return?

“Jesus is going to return and we cannot know when, regardless of what is happening in the world around us. However, of crucial importance to us is our state of readiness, a subject that Jesus addressed at length and is the theme of at least four parables,” says The Rev’d Charlie Lacey from The Parish of Springfield


Fair Trade: realising the message of The Magnificat

“Finding the right gift for special people at Christmas is a challenge. Buying from The Fair Trade Christmas Shopping Guide helps with choosing beautiful quality gifts, while giving us the peace of mind knowing that our purchases are helping people in distant places,” says The Rev’d John Martin