anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

Reconciliation Action Plan Coordinator

Newspaper article photograph featuring model Sandra King for NAIDOC Week, circa.1977

A surprising letter discovery

“While starting to think about writing this article, the most wonderful thing happened. I was packing up my paperwork, as I am moving house, and to my surprise, I found a letter from the Secretary of the Queensland NAIDOC Week committee asking me to be a judge for the 1976 Miss NAIDOC competition,” says Quandamooka and Bundjalung Elder Aunty Sandra King OAM, while also telling us about continuing NAIDOC Week events planned for early September


First Nations ‘icons’ – a portal to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Spiritualities

“The purpose of our recent meditation gathering was to create a space for reflection and learning using, as our ‘portal’, three magnificent paintings collectively depicted in the Bible Society’s ‘Christian Book of the Year 2017’, Our Mob, God’s Story, which features over 115 paintings by 65 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists from around Australia,” says St Matthew’s, Holland Park parishioner, Randal Dennings